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Showing posts with the label Spirit

A Short Guide on How to Astral Project

Astral Projection What is it and how does one go about it The Daily Friz Astral Realm Depiction      About three years ago while doing research for a college course I happened on an article about meditation and visualization practices. Up until this moment in my life I was led to believe that things like meditation and old world spiritual concepts were just things found in low budget movies on the science-fiction channel or for guest gurus on morning talk shows. After the well worded post opened my mind to concepts that I had never given much thought, I began to look into philosophical arguments for the soul, life origins, and even quantum theories. Throughout this time one common topic, though whispered at first in the forums and published documents kept popping up, astral projection. What is it?      Astral projection has had many names in many cultures: spirit walking, out of body or near death experience, dream travel, and others. Ast...