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Showing posts from January, 2014

Tips for Making a Better Pot of Coffee

     Not everyone has the sophisticated pallet needed to enjoy the rich, often bitter-warm taste of coffee. There's something about having your first cup of coffee that is profoundly eye-opening and humbling. No matter how it is enjoyed or with what amount of creamers and sugars, it is this darkened brew that unites millions of us coffee drinkers' world wide. Less pretentious than tea yet more sophisticated than a carbonated soda, coffee is the kind of drink that greets you in the morning, refreshes you by noon, and sobers you at night. Coffee warms those of us who know it best and keeps us content as we wait on those who don't. Coffeemaker:      It honestly does not matter how fancy of a coffeemaker you own. The device has seen little innovation since its conception. The $100 Gevalia brewer I have now has not changed the flavoring of my coffee since my $10 Mr. Coffee knock-off I had back in my bachelor days. Coffee Pot:      Men w...

Synchronize Your Brain

5 Techniques to Increasing Mental Efficiency and Mood (Because who has time for 10 techniques, ya bunch of lazies) The Daily Friz Getting Started    Do you feel depressed, low energy, or just have a hard time concentrating on a project? If so, these 5 techniques for sharpening your mental focus may be for you. Who doesn't want to feel more attentive and focused on the world around them? Perhaps you need to increase your memory retention while studying for a big exam or you need better memory recall for reciting those lines in that big play? Try these 5 simple methods for just one week and feel the difference. You can thank me later. #1. Brighten things up in your environment.      Nature versus Nurture has been debated since the philosophical infancy of psychological studies. However while your biology may make you more predisposed towards symptoms of things like depression and addiction, your environment impacts your behavior by influence...

A Short Guide on How to Astral Project

Astral Projection What is it and how does one go about it The Daily Friz Astral Realm Depiction      About three years ago while doing research for a college course I happened on an article about meditation and visualization practices. Up until this moment in my life I was led to believe that things like meditation and old world spiritual concepts were just things found in low budget movies on the science-fiction channel or for guest gurus on morning talk shows. After the well worded post opened my mind to concepts that I had never given much thought, I began to look into philosophical arguments for the soul, life origins, and even quantum theories. Throughout this time one common topic, though whispered at first in the forums and published documents kept popping up, astral projection. What is it?      Astral projection has had many names in many cultures: spirit walking, out of body or near death experience, dream travel, and others. Ast...

Secret to Insulating Your Home on the Cheap

Bubble Wrap   That's right you heard me, bubble wrap. The Daily Friz        During the summer my kitchen was starting the renovation process and we had to replace an outside facing wall due to some water damage. The job was not really that huge of an undertaking as it would seem. Construction talk aside, we had discovered a lack of insulation in our 100 year old house. Turns out all that separated our kitchen from the elements was some plyboard and balled up newspaper from the 1960's. You read that correctly, old newspaper stuffed in the walls to insulate us from the outdoors. The revelation that the coming winter would be a little on the chilly side had me thinking of cheap ways to cut heating cost until proper weatherization could be done the following year.          Now you probably clicked on this to read about how simple, cheap, or often free bubble wrap could save you a few bucks in the winter and I...

Unfinished Short Story 2 of 2

Iganon An unedited and incomplete project, cast aside to the forgotten folders of the hard drive. The Daily Friz Prologue             There is something not quite right in the air this morning. All the men freshly waking to dew covered weapons placed about their tattered tents. This is the morning of the last great battle, where all hope of victory is in the hands of the gnomes and their monster. The gnome’s great cargo anchored just off shore. Held in the largest ship ever commissioned by his lordship, that thing awaits to be our savior from the very first trumpet blast. There is something not quite right about all of this. I can feel it as though the morning fog is offering us one last chance to forsake this battle and our dealings with the creature.             “General, the men are fed and armed.” Captain Nairb is an ok lad. His position forced upon him too e...

Unfinshed Short Story 1 of 2

A Captive Mind An unedited and incomplete project, cast aside to the forgotten folders of the hard drive. The Daily Friz              Derrick awoke to the sound of slowly cracking wood somewhere in the downstairs of his home. Moving about in his bed, in a manner as to not wake his wife Laura, Derrick reached for his thin framed glasses that were neatly placed next to him by his alarm clock. “Just a little after four in the morning.” He thought to himself glancing at the clocks red glow. His two small daughters Susan, 12 and Anna, 9 shared a room down the hall from Laura and his own bedroom. Derrick began to recline back in bed when he heard the noise again, instantly jolting him back to the cause of his original wakefulness.             As he slid out of the bed, so smoothly as if he were a shadow slipping away from the sun rise, there came the soft spoken voice of hi...

Why Birds Poop in Their Water

Why Birds Poop in Their Water An odd behavior avian pet owner's deal with The Daily Friz      If you have ever owned a small bird for a pet, then you have noticed that even the prettiest of animal tends to have the most disgusting of habits. I have been a bird owner for about 5 years now (Parakeets and Love Birds) and have noticed that no matter the size of the bird or the cage, they always seem to make a mess. Whether it's going to the bathroom in their food and/or water containers or just generally making a mess of their bedding, these little devils seem to be instinctively messy. Poop Tea - A bird's delight?      The waste material of a bird usually comes in three colors: clear, white, green or brown. The bile in a bird's digestive system may determine the ultimate color of the droppings, typically their waste is comprised of three parts urates, urine, and of course the feces. Now I don't believe that I have ever met someone who purp...

How to Succeed at Your New Year's Resolutions:

Tips and Tricks to Accomplishing Your Goals This Year! The Daily Friz Happy new year everyone! Have big plans this year? A lot of us make New Year's resolutions every year only to end up having the exact same resolutions made the following year. Weight loss, quitting smoking, and ending other bad habits are often at the top of people's list. After all who wouldn't want to have a healthier more rewarding lifestyle? In this short post there are a few easy to use tips and tricks to staying the course with your new year's resolutions. Good luck on the new and improved  you 2.0, this year. Dieting:      Eating and drinking healthy can be as easy as writing a grocery list and sticking to it when at the store. Pretend you're a bouncer at an elite club; if that candy bar by the register is not on the list, it's not getting into your cart.      Pay attention to the labels of the products that you buy! Many of us have a hard time pronouncing...