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Tips for Making a Better Pot of Coffee

     Not everyone has the sophisticated pallet needed to enjoy the rich, often bitter-warm taste of coffee. There's something about having your first cup of coffee that is profoundly eye-opening and humbling. No matter how it is enjoyed or with what amount of creamers and sugars, it is this darkened brew that unites millions of us coffee drinkers' world wide. Less pretentious than tea yet more sophisticated than a carbonated soda, coffee is the kind of drink that greets you in the morning, refreshes you by noon, and sobers you at night. Coffee warms those of us who know it best and keeps us content as we wait on those who don't.

     It honestly does not matter how fancy of a coffeemaker you own. The device has seen little innovation since its conception. The $100 Gevalia brewer I have now has not changed the flavoring of my coffee since my $10 Mr. Coffee knock-off I had back in my bachelor days.

Coffee Pot:
     Men who have been there and back again may tell you not to clean out your coffee pot too often, and for the most part they are right. Doing a monthly cleaning; however will keep any harmful bacteria away. Also cleaning the pot before it has become crystalline with dark coffee plaque will help to rid you of any gritty/chalky after taste. Try to use your coffee pot for only coffee as other residues, even invisible trace amounts can change the taste of coffee.

Coffee Brand:
     Truthfully, there is something to the saying, "You get what you paid for." but also watch out for overpaying for bad coffee with a luxurious brand name attached to it. The saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted." too applies, for sneaky companies think you'd rather by a label than a quality  product. Try a few different types of the smallest sizes first, that way you can narrow your favorite brand without being committed to a large monthly supply.

Tip #1.
     Use hot water. I know that's the plate warmer's job in the coffee maker and the directions say cold water but trust me on this. Try to get the water you use as hot as safely possible from the tap before you put it in the back of the pot. This aids in the steeping process, so you get the most out of your coffee.

Tip #2.
     Shake up your coffee container. Small amounts of moisture and other sentiments may have followed gravity downward during the shipping and selling of your coffee. Shake your coffee can up between uses to make sure you get an even tasting coffee throughout the life of the stock.

Tip #3.
     Don't follow the "tablespoon" serving suggestions on the side of the container. These directions are malarkey, cover the bottom of a flat filter or fill your cone style filter just under half way up. The surface area between the grounds and the filter will spread evenly as the chamber fills with water using all the grounds.

Tip #4.
     Put a little salt in with your grounds. Not much, barely any at all otherwise you'll be able to taste it. You can add salt to change the acidity of the coffee in order to flush out any overly bitter taste. (When I say a little, I mean it. Poke your finger in some salt and flick whatever sticks into the grounds).

Tip #5.
     Let it finish dripping before you grab a cup. In a hurry? Be patient,this stuff is worth waiting for. Taking coffee out of an incomplete pot will delude what is left to brew, making the early cup stronger and the rest of the batch weaker.

What are some of your coffee secrets? Let us know below.

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Tags: Coffee, Coffeemaker, Coffee Maker, Brew, Caffeine, How to, make, Make Coffee, Good Coffee, Better Coffee, Coffee Pot, Frizbeen, The Daily Friz


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